From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

As recently as the 1980s, vocational training was the Rodney Dangerfield of postsecondary education. To the extent it was acknowledged at all, it got little respect in policy circles, and fared worse with the public – the byproduct of a decades-long ...

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

Fostering an interest in college among children has long been the province of high school teachers. Increasingly, however, educators are opting to begin the process much earlier, in some cases during the first years of elementary school. This is a we...

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

“Know your target market” is a familiar bit of first-order advice for enterprises large and small. Are colleges and universities heeding this axiom when it comes to students? Pop culture stereotypes aside, not all college students are recent high ...

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

The cost of postsecondary education and the burdens it places on students and their families have animated high-profile debates among policymakers and educators in recent years. Despite this, misconceptions surrounding financial aid for college remai...

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

With graduation season fast approaching, many high school seniors are excitedly making plans to continue their studies in the fall. This sobering statistic should give them – and their parents – pause: About 40 percent of the students who start... Read More

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

From the Desk of Victoria Juarez

While the perils of mounting student loan debt are well known and remarked upon, another education crisis is receiving comparatively little attention, despite the threat it poses to long-term economic health. I am referring to the nation’s dismal ...