Connie Wang: Towbes Foundation Honors Scholarship Recipient

Connie Wang: Towbes Foundation Honors Scholarship Recipient

Connie Wang applied to the Scholarship Foundation seeking financial assistance for her academic goals. As she was ranked first in her class with a 4.93 grade point average and had extremely high standardized test scores, she was selected for the Towbes Foundation Honors Scholarship…

Carpinteria High School Financial Aid Schedule

This fall and winter, the Scholarship Foundation’s Program Advisors will be holding drop-in appointment times and presenting on several financial aid topics. The full schedule is below. Contact the counseling office to make an appointment. October 11th 8-11:45am: Drop ins… Read More

San Marcos High School Financial Aid Appointments Schedule

San Marcos High School Drop-ins 2016-2017 When: Thursdays 9-2pm with a lunch break from 11:40-12:30pm What: Get help filling out the FAFSA or CA Dream Act applications, SFSB scholarship application, or any other financial aid questions. Where: SMHS Career Center… Read More

Honoring Our Legacy Society, The Scholars Circle

Honoring Our Legacy Society, The Scholars Circle

The Scholarship Foundation is grateful for every donation to our organization. Every two years we gather to thank our legacy society, The Donors Circle, for including us in their estate planning.

Education pays guaranteed dividends

A huge thank you to Bill Cirone, Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools, for writing about the Scholarship Foundation in his most recent article! “In the U.S., a higher education has long been the key to the door of opportunity… Read More

Man & Woman of the Year Announced

The Santa Barbara Foundation recently announced that Ed Birch and Vicki Hazard will be honored as the 2016 Man and Woman of the Year. Congratulations to them both! A special nod to Vicki who serves on our Board of Directors… Read More

Student Artists Awarded Scholarships

Student Artists Awarded Scholarships

On January 22, 2016, 21 promising student artists were awarded scholarships at the Scholarship Foundation’s 37th annual Art Scholarship Reception and Exhibition…