Can’t stop thinking about a new summer outfit? Want to make student’s dreams come true? Now you can finally buy those cute beach togs you’ve been eyeing and donate to the Scholarship Foundation…
When Santa Ynez local Gillian Micale joined the Engineering Bowling Group at Santa Barbara City College, she never imagined it might be an activity that got her into Stanford…
Each May we celebrate our scholarship recipients in separate north and south county ceremonies. This year, we celebrated at the Santa Barbara Courthouse’s…
For over 50 years, Mr. Towbes was a pillar of the Santa Barbara community, both in business and philanthropy. He was the founder and chairman of the board of The Towbes Group, a construction and property management …
“The world has changed over the years but a good education is something which remains with you your entire life, and a good education keeps getting more and more expensive.” —MICHAEL TOWBES Mr. Towbes’ commitment to higher education and long-standing support… Read More
Yesenia Aldapa, recipient of the Casa Dorinda Scholarship, looks forward to next summer, when she will finish her psychology degree at California State University, Northridge…
The Scholarship Foundation has supported several generations of Santa Barbara County families over the years. Arthur Ludwig and his daughter, Maya Shoemaker, are one such example…
Volunteer tutor. Eagle Scout. Captain of the varsity tennis team. President of the St. Joseph High School underwater robotics team. These are just a few of Andrew Myers’ accomplishments outside of his academic achievements…
Meet the Four Ingenieros, former Santa Barbara City College STEM students who started a local chapter of the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and didn’t stop there…
Edward “Ed” Vernon and his wife, Barbara, were supporters of the Scholarship Foundation for 31 years. The Santa Barbara community was saddened by the loss of this generous couple, who passed within days of each other…