Is college a worthwhile investment? The question has gained new currency in the wake of economist Bryan Caplan’s recent book, “The Case Against Education,” with various commentators weighing in for and against the proposition that our current system of colleges… Read More
This year’s South Coast Business & Technology Awards ceremony netted almost $170,000 for the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara. More than 600 people attended the June 6 event at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort…
Residents of Valle Verde retirement community feted the newest recipients of Valle Verde Scholarships on June 14. Eight students will receive scholarships this year totaling $19,880.
Casa Dorinda residents gathered to celebrate this year’s Casa Dorinda Scholarship recipients during a reception at the Montecito senior care facility on June 12.
As we gear up for next week’s South Coast Business & Technology Awards presentation, I’d like to pause briefly to savor the four successful events put on by the Scholarship Foundation last week. About 650 students, parents, and educators gathered… Read More
It’s scholarship awards season, which means the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara will soon present its annual awards ceremonies. This year’s northern county awards ceremony will take place…
The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara will administer a new scholarship fund honoring the memory of local sports legend Phil Womble. Established by the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table, the Phil Womble Scholarship will help high school student athletes pursue…
March is usually a busy time at the Scholarship Foundation, and this year has been no different. Preparations are well underway for our annual scholarship awards ceremonies and associated events, as well as this year’s South Coast Business and Technology… Read More
The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara, in partnership with the ONE805 Bash, has established a fund to support children of local first responders. The ONE805 Fund will provide scholarships to students…
A beloved figure in the community, Monte Brown was by all accounts a man of exceptional kindness and great personal warmth. Those who knew him best say Monte also had an abiding passion for music…