Terms of agreement as listed in the acceptance/rejection task of your SFSB Kaleidoscope profile.
Accepting a scholarship award means that you are accepting certain responsibilities. Please read this information carefully and save it for future reference.
- I agree to check my email weekly. I understand that the Foundation will communicate with me primarily through email. I will keep the Foundation up-to-date with my current email address. If it changes, I will update it in my SFSB Kaleidoscope account.
- I understand that I must enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 units per semester/quarter (or full-time equivalent for my program) with a GPA of 2.0 or better. I understand that if I withdraw, cease to carry the required number of units, or if I achieve less than a 2.0 GPA, the Foundation has the right to cancel or adjust the award in any way.
- I understand that the Foundation does not offer student aid for summer sessions, research, special projects, part-time studies, or executive MBA-type programs or any college or vocational school that has not received approval from the U.S. Department of Education for federal student aid funding.
Online courses are acceptable.
For Employee or Employee Spouse recipients of the following funds only (not children of employees) – Casa Dorinda, Valle Verde & Vista Del Monte – I must enroll in and complete a minimum of 3 units per term(part-time status) with a GPA of 2.0 or better. Online courses are acceptable. - I understand that it is my responsibility to provide proof of enrollment EACH term to the Foundation, and as soon as possible before the term begins. I understand that the award will be cancelled if I do not provide proof of enrollment by the deadline each term. I understand that the check will be sent to the Office of Financial Aid at my college within approximately two weeks after the Foundation receives the proof of enrollment. I understand I must upload proof of enrollment that includes my name, enrollment term, and the number of units in which I am enrolled as a Word or PDF attachment to my SFSB Kaleidoscope account.
- I understand that I am required to write an appropriate thank-you letter to my award sponsor.
- I understand that the scholarship award is valid only for one academic year. No holdover or guarantee of any kind is made for a scholarship award in any future academic year. I also understand that it is solely my responsibility to submit an application each academic year by the January 15 deadline if I wish to be considered.
- I understand that it is solely my responsibility to notify the Scholarship Foundation immediately in writing if I:
- change my college
- change my major
- change my address, email address, or phone number
- cease to carry the required minimum of 12 units
- achieve less than a 2.0 GPA in any term
I understand any award(s) may be adjusted or canceled due to these changes.
- I agree to report to the Scholarship Foundation any funds or support I receive from sources other than the Scholarship Foundation, by uploading a copy of my financial aid award summary from my college or online student portal as soon as my award offers are finalized, but no later than the end of my fall term.
I have read and I understand all of the above information.
I understand that I must comply with all responsibilities in order to receive a scholarship award.